Guest episode
The Tally Ho talks to Dr Santiago Sanchez-Pagés about ‘No Soy Un Número’
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. In this episode we had the pleasure of speaking to Dr Santiago Sanchez-Pagés about his new book ‘No Soy Un Número‘ (‘I Am Not a Number’), the world’s first book written about The Prisoner in Castilian. Ten years in the making,… Continue reading
Cakes & Ale Episode 29: Interviews from Eastercon 2019
We’ve just returned from Ytterbium, a.k.a Eastercon 70, the annual UK science fiction convention. During the convention we had the great pleasure of chatting to a wonderful range of con-goers to create a snapshot of the kind of conversations you’d hear down at the bar, from writers to publishers, fans, reviewers, academics and con-runners. We… Continue reading
The Tally Ho talks The Prisoner ‘Shattered Visage’ with Dean Motter
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. Following on from our recent episode about the re-release of The Prisoner: Shattered Visage, we had the great pleasure of interviewing the writer and artist behind the book, legendary comics creator Dean Motter. Dean Motter has worked as an illustrator, designer,… Continue reading
The Tally Ho talks The Prisoner ‘Shattered Visage’ with David Leach
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. In this episode we look at the re-release of the collected edition of Dean Motter’s and Mark Askwith’s The Prisoner: Shattered Visage, a comic book sequel to the TV show, from Titan Comics. We chat to Titan’s senior editor David Leach… Continue reading
The Tally Ho: The fall out from Fall Out pt 2
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. Rounding off our coverage of the season finale Fall Out, following on from our discussion episode and returning guest special, we throw open the podcast to our listeners to give us their take on the dramatic conclusion of The Prisoner and… Continue reading
The Tally Ho: The fall out from Fall Out pt 1
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. Following on from our episode about the series finale Fall Out we are delighted to be joined by several previous guests on The Tally Ho to discuss the dramatic conclusion of The Prisoner and what it means to them. Giving us… Continue reading
The Tally Ho – Episode 15: The Girl who was Death
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. In this episode we look at The Girl who was Death, the fifteenth episode of The Prisoner. In this comic caper, Number 6 spins a tall tale about a suave spy on the search for Schnipps (Kenneth Griffiths), a mad scientist… Continue reading
The Tally Ho talks to Ian Rakoff
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. In this special episode, we talk to writer, editor and comic book collector Ian Rakoff. Ian worked as an assistant editor on the series, and wrote the classic episode Living in Harmony (our discussion of the episode is here). We chatted… Continue reading
The Tally Ho – Episode 11: It’s Your Funeral
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. In this episode we look at It’s Your Funeral, the eleventh episode of The Prisoner. When he is tipped off by Number 50 (a terrific guest turn by Annette Andre), Number 6 (Patrick McGoohan) is drawn into an assassination plot apparently… Continue reading
The Tally Ho – Episode 6: The General
Welcome to The Tally Ho, a new podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner. In this episode we look at The General, the sixth episode of The Prisoner. Number 6 (Patrick McGoohan) witnesses his fellow villagers fall under the influence of a revolutionary new teaching method known as Speedlearn, which has been masterminded by… Continue reading