Time for Cakes and Ale

Podcast featuring geeky ramblings with Becks & Eeson, and also home to "Time for Cherry Pie and Coffee", a Twin Peaks podcast, and "The Tally Ho", a Prisoner podcast

Time for Cherry Pie and Coffee talks to Chris Rodley

Lynch on Lynch by Chris Rodley

It has been a while, but once again, it’s time for cherry pie and coffee, as our Twin Peaks podcast returns! In the second part of our chat with documentary filmmaker and writer Chris Rodley, we turn to the world of legendary artist and filmmaker David Lynch. Chris’ Lynch on Lynch , an extensive collection of interviews with director, remains the most insightful text on David Lynch. Chris talked to us about the book, his interest in Lynch’s body of work and of course, the director’s recent return to Twin Peaks.

This is the second of a two-part interview. In the first installment, found here, Chris joined us for our The Prisoner podcast, The Tally Ho, to discuss his recent documentary In My Mind about Patrick McGoohan and The Prisoner. The episodes have significant thematic overlap, so please check out both parts of the  interview.

Direct download: Time for Cherry Pie and Coffee talks to Chris Rodley

CHRIS RODLEY is an awardwinning documentary film maker with an extensive filmography covering art, film and music with subjects including Andy Warhol, Lou Reed, Johnny Cash, Dirk Bogarde and Donald Cammell. He is also the author of the celebrated interview collections Lynch on Lynch and Cronenberg on Cronenberg (Faber & Faber).

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The Time for Cherry Pie And Coffee episodes will run concurrently with our regular Time for Cakes and Ale ones and are available via our main podcast feed. Find out more here.

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