Join us for a special episode of Time for Cherry Pie & Coffee as we share “A Slice of Pie” with journalist, writer, MIT professor and Twin Peaks fan Seth Mnookin. We discuss his feelings about The Return, favourite moments and delve into a few theories about what is going on. Thanks for joining us Seth!
Contains big spoilers for Parts 1-13 and the Twin Peaks canon.
Follow Seth on Twitter @sethmnookin and find out more about his work on his website!
Join us on Twitter @TFCAA and don’t forget to cast your vote in our newest #PollFromCole. Thanks to everyone who has voted, liked and shared these so far!
Direct download: A Slice of Pie
The Time for Cherry Pie And Coffee episodes will run concurrently with our regular Time for Cakes and Ale ones and are available via our main podcast feed. Find out more here.
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