Welcome to The Tally Ho, a new podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner.
In this episode, we talked to Rick Davy: fan, writer and all-round expert on The Prisoner.
Direct download: The Tally Ho talks to Rick Davy
RICK DAVY runs The Unmutual, one of the best online sources of news, interviews and features on The Prisoner. He is the author of The Prisoner: The Essential Guide (Quoit Media Limited, 2017) and recently contributed the text commentary of the forthcoming DVD/Blu-Ray set of The Prisoner celebrating the 50th anniversary of the show. Find out more about The Unmutual on the website, Facebook and Twitter.
To follow our podcast, there are several places to find The Tally Ho. Episodes will be available through our main stream – called Time for Cakes and Ale – from all the usual places. Updates will be posted on our Twitter and Facebook
pages. Of course, our episodes will also be available for direct download on this website.
Be seeing you!
The Tally Ho episodes will run concurrently with our regular Time for Cakes and Ale ones and are available via our main podcast feed. Find out more here.
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