Time for Cakes and Ale

Podcast featuring geeky ramblings with Becks & Eeson, and also home to "Time for Cherry Pie and Coffee", a Twin Peaks podcast, and "The Tally Ho", a Prisoner podcast

The Tally Ho – Episode 3: A, B and C

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Welcome to The Tally Ho, a new podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner.

In this episode we look at A, B, and C, the third episode of The Prisoner. Number 6 (Patrick McGoohan) is the subject of a strange experiment overseen by Number 2 (Colin Gordon). In an attempt by The Village to discover the motivations behind his resignation, he is plunged into a dream world populated with figures from his past, induced by an untested drug developed by Number 14 (Sheila Allen). Join us as we discuss the episode, and take a few detours into Chock-a-block and an episode of 1969’s Counterstrike titled Nocturne, which writer Anthony Skene re-purposed from his own The Prisoner script.

If that wasn’t enough, Iain Meadows chats to us about why A, B, and C is one of his favourite episodes. Iain is a writer, broadcaster and sound designer who has worked on many audiodramas for Big Finish including their acclaimed reworking of The Prisoner, and for Spiteful Puppet, which has recently produced an award-winning Robin of Sherwood audiodrama, available here. Iain was a guest last year on our 50th anniversary episodes and you can hear him and Nick Briggs talking all about their work on the Big Finish The Prisoner audiodramas here.

We also get a news round up from Rick Davy of The Unmutual on what’s happening in the world of The Prisoner.

Direct download: Episode 3: A, B, and C

As discussed in this episode, surviving episodes of 80s kids show Chock-a-block can be found on YouTube. A brief clip from Counterstrike episode Nocturne can be found below. Thanks to Andrew Pixley for bringing this to our attention!

To follow our podcast, there are several places to find The Tally Ho. Episodes will be available through our main stream – called Time for Cakes and Ale – from all the usual places including iTunes, Pippa, Stitcher, TuneIn, Android, or directly via our RSS feed . Updates will be posted on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Of course, our episodes will also be available for direct download on this website.

If you enjoy our podcast, please subscribe, leave us a review, and let us know what you think by getting in touch on Twitter, Facebook and here on the website. We’d love to hear from you!

Be seeing you!

The Tally Ho episodes will run concurrently with our regular Time for Cakes and Ale ones and are available via our main podcast feed. Find out more here.

4 responses to “The Tally Ho – Episode 3: A, B and C”

  1. thanks for a very interesting show about A, B, and C.
    I agree with you about the ‘continuity’ and the role of No2 – clearly the order is wrong.
    Thanks too for mentioning Counterstrike – the 60’s show about the rival alien agent factions.
    I remember a plot fragment. ISTR a story where the alines were going to scatter soot over Antarctic, increasing the absorption of solar radiation in order to cause the ice caps to melt!
    i thought I’d imagined it!
    anyway ‘be seeing you’ at the Prisoner convention, Portmeirion next weekend!
    cheers, @DavyPaul

    1. Thanks David! Glad you enjoyed our A, B, and C episode. I think later in the year we might do an episode all about the continuity. Unfortunately we won’t be at Portmeiricon but hope to make it to future events. Be seeing you!

  2. Just started catching up with your podcast and I am enjoying it. Thanks for referencing Counterstrike which I remember watching. I saw an episode at the NFT a few years ago, so at least some of it exists. Jon Finch’s first lead, before he was Jerry Cornelius or Macbeth. Watch out for old stagers in small roles. Finlay Currie from Chimes of Big Ben had a face off with Eric Portman in the film 49th Parallel in 1941 – and old actors bring all the audience’s previous experience of them with them even when they only have one line…

    1. Thank you for the kind words Ken. We’re glad you’re enjoying the podcast. It’s a real shame that all of Counterstrike, like so many shows in that era, have not survived intact. You’re right too about the versatility of actors from that generation. It really elevates even small roles into something much more memorable than may have even been intended. If you are interested, we also had a run of Prisoner episodes late last year to celebrate the 50th anniversary: https://www.timeforcakesandale.com/podcast/the-tally-ho-a-podcast-about-the-prisoner/

      Be seeing you!

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