Time for Cakes and Ale

Podcast featuring geeky ramblings with Becks & Eeson, and also home to "Time for Cherry Pie and Coffee", a Twin Peaks podcast, and "The Tally Ho", a Prisoner podcast

The Tally Ho – Episode 1: Arrival

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Welcome to The Tally Ho, a new podcast about the classic TV series The Prisoner.

In this episode we look at ARRIVAL, the first episode of The Prisoner and one of the greatest TV openings of all time. Number 6 (Patrick McGoohan) resigns his government job and wakes up in a mysterious and dangerous place known only as The Village. Beneath its quaint and colourful exterior lies a sophisticated mechanism of psychological torture and control. Who can you trust? How can you escape? Who is in charge? Arrival is the first chapter of this groundbreaking show that remains as relevant today as it was 50 years ago.

We also preview our bonus two-part episode coming next week spanning our interests in both The Prisoner and Twin Peaks (listen to find out!), and get a news round up from Rick Davy of The Unmutual on what’s happening in the world of The Prisoner!

Direct download: Episode 1: Arrival

To follow our podcast, there are several places to find The Tally Ho. Episodes will be available through our main stream – called Time for Cakes and Ale – from all the usual places including iTunes, Pippa, Stitcher, TuneIn, Android, or directly via our RSS feed . Updates will be posted on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Of course, our episodes will also be available for direct download on this website.

If you enjoy our podcast, please subscribe, leave us a review, and let us know what you think by getting in touch on TwitterFacebook and here on the website. We’d love to hear from you!

Be seeing you!

The Tally Ho episodes will run concurrently with our regular Time for Cakes and Ale ones and are available via our main podcast feed. Find out more here.

2 responses to “The Tally Ho – Episode 1: Arrival”

  1. Hi Becks and Eeson,

    Loved this summary of “Arrival!” I’ve watched this since it first came on the air in the 60s in the USA and each viewing I get something new out of it. When I was an eight year old, I was scared of Rover, but liked the defiance of the prisoner; as a teen, I noticed the critique of society; in university; I started to pay attention to the philosophy; and into my adulthood I’ve picked up on the psychological and literary aspects.

    You did a great job of highlighting many of the facets of the show and giving background. In the process, you gave me as a long time viewer some new things to think about, such as the emotional disconnect of the forces behind the Village and their inability to understand 6’s feelings and how this may have led to the resignation.

    I’m looking forward to hearing more and I’m promoting the podcast on social media, etc. It’s such an important series and something that really needs to be discussed because these issues continue to be problems more than 50 years after the show was aired.

    Thanks for all your time and effort in this excellent podcast.

    1. Hi Mary,

      Many thanks for your lovely comments. We are really glad that you enjoyed the podcast. It was great fun to put it together and we’re looking forward to talking about The Prisoner over the coming months.

      You’re right. It is wonderful how many layers there are to the show and how every rewatch, you notice something new or view things from a fresh perspective.

      We hope you enjoy The Tally Ho episodes to come. We’ll let you know when we plan to have a listener feedback episode too!

      Thank you for helping spread the word.

      Be seeing you!
      Becks & Eeson

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