Four girls out delivering papers one morning get caught up in a reality-bending time-travelling adventure. A think tank unleashes a magic-infused artificial intelligence upon the world, and now struggles with the consequences. And fifty citizens in a fairytale kingdom are caught up in a deadly contest to decide who will rule. We discuss 3 of our favourite recent comic book releases – Paper Girls, Injection and Geis. We also discuss why we don’t want to know who the new Doctor Who will be, and rule ourselves out of directing the new Batman movie.
Paper Girls by Brian K Vaughan (writer), Cliff Chiang (artist), Matt Wilson (colourist), Jared K Fletcher (letterer) from Image Comics
Injection by Warren Ellis (writer), Declan Shalvey (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colourist), Fonografiks (letterer) from Image Comics
Geis by Alexis Deacon from Nobrow Press
Direct download: Episode 9
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